Registration is Now Open!

jumpstartlogoOn behalf of Miramichi Boys & Girls Club & Jumpstart, we would like to thank you for your interest in our Jumpstart Program.

The application form is used to identify children in financial need looking to participate in a specific sport or recreational activities. Our goal is to help those children that would not have otherwise been able to participate in a physical activity without the assistance of Jumpstart.

Listed below are the general funding guidelines:

  • $300: a child may receive up to $300 from Jumpstart
  • Funding is paid only to the organization
  • Funding must be a program that lasts a season
  • Funding is for individual children, not groups or teams
  • Children can apply for successive seasons in an activity
  • Multiple children within the same family can apply
  • Household income under $30,000
  • Open to children ages 4 to 18
  • Proof of financial need must be attached to this application
    • Two options to verify household income: choose one
      • Attach proof of household income (income assessment, prior year T4 statement or three consecutive pay stubs)
      • OR
      • Attach the Endorsement note in lieu of proof of income


Complete easy online application, click here:


Print application - click here


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