Winter KidZone Programs: January 23 - February 25
- FREE Programs - Something for Everyone Grades K – 8
- Children can register for two (2) Evening Programs + 2 Saturday Programs
- Evening Programs run from 6pm – 8pm (we provide Snack)
- Saturday Programs run from 1pm – 4pm (we provide Snack)
- Online registration only
- Programs Start January 23 and finish February 25

Mondays from 6pm - 8pm
Passport to Fun (Grades K-2)
Grab a map and get your passport stamped as you explore a new country every week! Try a new food, learn a new dance, and discover how far a Kangaroo in Australia can jump! Become a world traveler without having to leave Miramichi!
Crazy Chemistry (Grades 3-5)
Let’s BLOW stuff up, make it GLOW and then CHANGE COLORS! What happens if we mix this with that?? Check out some wacky experiments and discover all the ways science can be messy and super cool!
Tuesdays from 6pm - 8pm
Explode & Explore (Grades K-2)
Egg drops, cork rockets, explosions and a whole lot more. There’s never a dull moment at BGC! Old clothes are a must for this program!
Wipe Out (Grades 3-5)
Get out your crazy carpets and wax them up! We’re going outside & creating our own winter fun! Sliding, snow games & colored ice are just some of the wild things we’ll do! Grab your friends and head to the Boys & Girls Club for Wipe Out & winter fun!
Wednesdays from 6pm - 8pm
Kreative Kids (Grades K-2)
Have you ever finger painted with Jell-O? Done Bow Painting? Made a sparkling Blizzard? We’re going to do this and a WHOLE Lot More at Kreative Kids! Join your friends and take home a new project each week!
Cool Moves (Grades 3-5)
Let’s learn about Go, Slow & Woah! Foods, while making Delicious Healthy Snacks and Playing Fun New games! Make your own cook book and learn some Cool New Dance moves here at BGC!
Thursdays from 6pm - 8pm
Polar Bears and Penguins (Grades K-2)
Artic Animals LOVE winter and we do too! Sliding like penguins or hibernating in snow caves; bring your snow gear and get ready for some winter fun!
ZENsational (Girls Grades 5-7 Girls Only)
Bring out your inner Zen…this all girl group will be exploring yoga, making nutritious foods and making your very own mini garden!
Fridays from 6pm - 8pm
YOUTH Connect – Grades 6-8 (** Register and Come to All 3 Evenings)
(January 27th; February 10th & February 24th)
Saturdays from 1pm - 4pm
SUPER Saturdays **May Register for 2 Saturdays
- February 4th (Grades 1-5)
- February 11th (Grades K-2)
- February 18th (Grades 3-5)
- February 25th (Grades 1-5)
Registration is closed. All programs are now full.