Baby Sitter Program ** Please note – there is a $25 fee required at time of registration for this program. Certified through Canada Safety Council - Must be 12 years+. 1 Day Training 9am - 4pmAvailable Courses: October 19 This Camp is now FULL December 14 (10 spots left) Child's Name* First Last Gender* Female Male Date of Birth School* Grade* Medicare #* Allergies*Parent's Name* First Last Address 1* Address 2 City* Province: NBContact Phone*Backup PhoneEmail* Emergency Contact*How old will the registrant be when the course is offered?*--Select one--12 years +Under 12 yearsSorry, registrants must be 12 years or older to register for this course. Δ Boys & Girls Club Summer CampsJune Programs at BGCEmployment OpportunitiesMissionRegister a ChildVolunteerSNAP (Stop Now and Plan)Babysitter’s TrainingBreakfast ProgramScholarships